III Conference on Economy and Gender Responsive Budgeting

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The commitment with gender equality is valid, even more today, in the current context of world economic crisis. In a moment of general uncertainity where resources must be employed efficiently, it is essential to keep equality high in the political agenda, both for the public administration and the private sector, capable of mobilising resources aimed at the economic development and the social cohesion.

The gender responsive budget is put forward, at present, as a useful tool to integrate gender mainstreaming in public policies, in a way that these can be evaluated and reoriented with regard to the objective of gender equality. The implementation of this instrument means having the possibility to observe the different sectors, taking into account the impact that policies have on men and women, the differences of roles, the responsibilities assigned to ones and others, and, as a result, the emerging inequalities. Once these imbalances have been identified, corrective measures can be designed.

At the III Conference on Economy and Gender Responsive Budgeting we will continue reflecting, as in the two previous editions, on the progress achieved and the challenges posed by gender mainstreaming with regard to various relevant socio-economic areas (Urban planning, ICTs, Economy, etc.) whose results have consequences on budgetary programming. Likewise, the Conference will facilitate a forum for showcasing outstanding international experiences in the area of gender responsive budgeting with the aim of stimulating and deepening a debate on the economic, organizational and budgetary possibilities of this type of initiatives. Finally, the Conference will profit the exchange of best practices in the local administration and will foster a meeting point with experts to discuss strategies to enhance the effect of gender initiatives on the effeciency and competitiveness of public and private organisations.



Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th May, 2009


Renacimiento Hotel Isla De La Cartuja S/N 41092 SEVILLA

Website: www.barcelorenacimiento.com

Conference Secretariat

Telephone: +34 954 642 020 Fax: +34 954 645 100

e-mail: conferenciadegenero.chap@juntadeandalucia.es

Organised by


Fundación Instituto de Estudios para la Hacienda Pública de Andalucía
